Would you like to have thousands of raving fans that know, love and want to buy from you?

If you’re anything like me, the answer is a BIG FAT YES!??

Check out my JAMMED PACKED ?interview with Allison Hardy as she shared how she got 100 people in her challenge using LIVE Video as part of her marketing strategy ?PLUS…she shares her some super ninja strategies to grow her business online. 


Let me help you take away the fear and overwhelm??– so you can GO LIVE! and become wildly successful in your network marketing business!????

Allison, tell us about yourself and your journey

Yeah, so my journey is crazy and long and winding. So, I will try to make it as short as possible. So, I’ve been in online business for 10 years. I think I’m in business number five. You know, they kind of all blur together at some point, so I think I’m on business number five. I’ve had a variety of businesses. I was a part time personal training, I’ve been in network marketing, I had a art business for awhile, and now I am a business strategist for mompreneurs so, I really view like all those crazy past experiences as informing where I am now so.

I help women raise their businesses while they’re raising they’re families so that they can live life by design. That’s kind of like my brand, catch phrase is living life by design because that’s what I want, that’s what so many of us want and I think it’s important because we can have a life that we love and we think is only possible in our dreams. So, what I do now is I help women develop authentic social media through Facebook live. I help women develop email campaigns at convert and I help them do that all on automates because as moms we do not have time to be in our businesses every single day, there has to be some sort of automation built in and so, that’s what I help women do.

Tell me a little bit about once you started getting your groove and you figured out what your niche was and what you wanted to do, like, what was it like before you started doing live videos and then like what was the difference? What made you decide to do it and then like kinda what happened from there?

Yeah, so quite honestly, I started doing Facebook Live because I was sick and tired of not getting any traction on anything so, I started I actually started doing live video when Periscope was really big, and I started getting this following and I now had like a regular like crowd or tribe that would follow me around and make sure they attended all of my live broadcasts, and then in order to compete with Periscope Facebook was like oh no Periscope let me introduce some Facebook Live.

So, I realized that I always think this is, I think this happens when new social media things come out. I think that if you do it, if you’re an early adapter that platform rewards you. So, like I think Instagram, when you use Instagram stories, they’re like yes, let’s, like there’s something going on when you use them frequently and regularly that you’re gonna get boosted in some sort of algorithm and so Facebook was the same.

When you were doing Facebook Live like especially back when it first came out. You would get crazy traction, like it was ridiculous.

So, I started using it simply because I was like alright like, I think this the way things are gonna go from here on out. I saw the success that Periscope was having and how quickly people grew on Periscope and I was like okay, like, if Facebook wants to compete with Periscope they’re gonna reward you for using Facebook Live.

So, as soon as I started doing Facebook Live regularly I started seeing a lot more traction in my social media presence, it was kind of phenomenal, and I was able to grow and scale really quickly because when you do things that Facebook likes you to do they’re gonna get your contact more seen organically.

So did you have any like, any hesitations, any fears, or butterflies or anything like that before you went live?

Yeah, I was terrified, yeah, just like anything, anything I’m doing, anything new, it’s terrifying and I think early on, you know, there was no like format for it.

There was no like here is how you do a Facebook Live. So, it was really raw, it was really kind of like bootstrapped, it was really, I mean, I looked at my acclimates of early Facebook Lives and I was like oh my gosh, why did anyone listen to me?

Like this is so, so, so, so bad but you know, once you start doing it and once you start really like finding a groove and finding out how people respond to you on live video, and once you go back with a gentle loving approach looking at your old Facebook Lives,

I mean you could really learn a lot of from them, but yeah, I mean just like anything, it was terrifying. You know, I had like, it was totally terrifying. I remember one time I had like a mild panic attack right before I went live, and I was like oh my gosh, what am I doing, like I am so worked up over this.

But you know, it’s just like anything, once you start doing it you get really comfortable.

So for someone who’s never done a Facebook Live like what would you recommend like they do to get over the fears, like just to like that little push to get started?

This isn’t like profound, but just like do it, maybe like schedule it, put it on your calendar. At three o’clock on Tuesday I’m gonna do a Facebook Live.

Tell someone, maybe like your success partner, to message you at three o’clock on Tuesday and make sure you’re doing your Facebook Live. Like if you kind of make it known to people that are gonna be like hey, where is that Facebook Live that you promised?

That might help to hold you accountable, and like, like just know, it’s not going to be perfect, like, it’s not, it’s not going to be perfect.

You’re probably gonna stumble your words, you’re probably gonna forget what you were saying, you’re probably gonna have like no one listening, and that’s fine, just like the act of you actually doing it and just moving forward in your business in that way, like you’ll get better at it, you really, really will. Just like, just do it.

So let’s talk strategy. Now give me an idea of what you’ve been doing recently to both your raving fans.  How did you structure this and what are you like up to now?

Yeah, so I’m big on Facebook Groups, my Facebook Group and my email list are kind of like equal to me.

They both get me massive traction in my business and so how I’ve been building both of them is through Facebook Live. So, Facebook likes it when you do Facebook Live and Facebook likes it when you share Facebook Lives.

So, if you can share a Facebook Live maybe from your Facebook page into your group that video, that Live is going to get massive amounts of traction because your group members are seeing it, your page is seeing it, you’re doing Facebook Live which Facebook likes, and then you’re sharing it which also Facebook likes.

So, I’ve been getting people rolling over into my group and then getting onto my list because of those habits, and doing it regularly, Facebook also likes consistency.

So, if you do a Facebook Live every Tuesday at three pm or twice a week at a certain time, like you’re going to see your reach get bigger and bigger and bigger, and it’s been really, like my Facebook Group and my email list are the two most important things in my business right now and I’ve been that way actually for a good two years at this point.

So, it’s been very helpful to kind of figure out a strategy that actually works and gets results based on like actual numbers. I love, I’m a good numbers person, like I like seeing I did this on this day, I did this on this day, and then next week I did the same thing and then I got these different numbers. You know, like I like seeing that type of stuff in my business.

Tell me about strategy about your group. So, you mentioned sharing from your business page so, do you ever like go live straight in your group?

Sometimes yeah, but one of the things that I like to do is with my videos on my page, when someone in your group watches them they get counted as the audience on your page.

So, you can then send Facebook ads to them or you can put that video into the Ads Manager and send it to them, or send it to people who only watched half of it, you can send the rest of it to them.

It allows you to kind of re-target people in a different way and they’re a warm audience. So, if they saw your video you can re-target them, they’ve already seen you, odds are they probably know, like, interested in you they’ve sat there and watched you, so, you can really re-target them and your ad spend is gonna be a lot less.

It’s all about thinking more strategically than just kind of going off the cuff, right?

Yeah, and if you’re creating content you might as well use it and maximize it, so you can do a really killer Facebook Live, like take that baby and make it into a Facebook ad and get it out there and create an audience from the viewers, like that’s the perfect market to sell and pitch to and to roller around your email list.

Have you found a difference in posting a video ad versus just like a copy, like a post with, you know, words?

Yeah, they convert differently. I find Instagram story video ads for me for a lot of my clients convert like crazy, like ridiculous and I think it’s because they’re so kind of raw, they’re so off the cuff, they’re 15 seconds long, you put some funny emojis and GIFs and all that, and I think that converts really well.

And then yeah, I think on Facebook, Facebook Live ads what I do with those is I’ll send them to a cold audience. So, there’ll be a straight up value Facebook Live, like here’s three tips for this.

Nothing but value, value, value, value, keep it around five to 10 minutes, 10 at the max. Send it to a cold audience and then have it run for about a week and then after that week is over turn it off, but take that audience who watched it and who’s now warm and send them a traditional static image opt in conversion ad.

‘Cause they’re already warm and they’ve seen your face so, then when they get this new Facebook ad that pops up and they see your face again, they’re like oh yeah, there’s Michelle, I really like her, let’s click on this and download this thing. It’s just a different like way of thinking about Facebook ads.

Do you ever give different content in your groups? Tell me how the groups are structured, how do you make them feel more special then let’s just say your general followers on your fan page?

My Facebook group is, first off it’s free, it’s very niched, so my Facebook group is called the mompreneur community, so, very clear as to who the group is for, right, entrepreneurs who are also moms.

The content that I share in there I usually share more personal stuff in there, not that I’m opposed to sharing personal stuff, like more personal stuff on my page, but I kind of find since pages don’t get a ton of traction these days, sharing that in there makes it feel more like a community, ’cause community is big for me and that’s why I call it the mompreneur community.

I want to be, like I want to be the go to expert for mom entrepreneurs who are raising families and raising businesses at the same time and so like being a little more vulnerable with them in there and being a little bit more personal, and being a little bit more like hey guys, “I don’t tell everybody this, so this is why I’m sharing,” really creates that trust between you and the members of your group and it built that camaraderie.

It makes your group a really supportive kind of cohesive unit, and it really just like built the engagement which then in turn Facebook likes. The more people get in, more people get shown your group and you know, you can do a lot more market research also like in your groups.

I have like engagement posts that I’ll post every day. I go ahead and schedule them at the first of the month for the entire month. It just really helps me to number one, stay consistent when I’m not actually in front of the computer and number two, it’s great market research. So, you know, I’ll ask about pain points, I’ll ask like describe your business in five emojis, like that’s super fun, and it’s just funny and kind of entertaining and light and lighthearted, and people just, they like to talk, like when you can give people an outlet to talk about themselves and their businesses in your Facebook group, like they’re gonna do it, because it’s a closed group that not all of their Facebook people see, you know, it’s only.

You mention about planning your content like once a month, do you go ahead and schedule it all because you’re like me, super organized. How long does it take you to come up with the content and then schedule it?

Maybe like an hour.

Do you ever like repurpose any content?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I repurpose almost everything. Yeah, so usually actually how I do it is I do Instagram first for some reason, Instagram goes first, and then I schedule my Facebook page, and then I see what of that I wanna share into my group and then I’ll schedule that, and then I’ll kind of just fill in the, the missing days with other content in my group, just so they have more from me.

Let’s talk about a little bit of how you decide or how you structure your Instagram Live versus your Facebook Live? So, are you now splitting it? Are you focusing on one more than the other?

I still focus mostly on Facebook Live. I hardly ever do Instagram Live and if I do, I do it simultaneously. So, I’ll do like a Facebook Live from my desktop and I’ll put my phone, like prop it up somewhere and do an Instagram Live that way.

Do you ever feel like alright, I just don’t feel like going live today or like you were saying your baby’s having a meltdown,  what makes you decide you know what, I’m gonna still show up. Like how do you do that mentally basically?

Think about your higher purpose. Like what is the mission of your business, why are you here, what does your business do for yourself, for your clients, for the world, for your community? and that’s what you lean on during those times.

Like it’s, entrepreneurship is not easy. It’s a crazy, wild roller coaster of a ride and there are gonna be days we don’t feel like doing it. and so I think you need to kind of figure out if it’s, you don’t feel like doing it ’cause you’re tired and maybe you’re burnt out, or if you don’t feel like doing it ’cause maybe you’re scared, and there’s a difference and having those things kind of, being able to understand where those feelings are coming from I think is kind of the important thing.

Is it that you just are simply burnt out and you actually do need a break, or are you scared, or is life just insane like, are your kids just legit having meltdowns? And it’s just time to be a mom and not be a consumer. Like if something’s happening in the background nobody’s gonna wanna watch your live.

So like acknowledge that. So, I think like fear and I think it’s always either fear or it’s like you actually legit do need a break. You’re giving yourself that great slumber to take that break.

Share some pro tips, whether it’d be on video, your groups, or whatever you wanna share.

I think a lot of times we overthink things, I mean I know I certainly do that. We overthink a lot of things, and so I think when we are you know, thinking about our messaging and we’re trying to get clarity on our brand and you know, trying to figure out this amazing email funnels and a convert and make all this money for you and you’re able to give this money back to the community and you know, all the stuff that’s wrapped up in our own heads.

I think oftentimes we’re regularly over complicating things. So, if you like think about just creating one piece of amazing content, like one piece of super juicy content and then that’s what you’re, like that’s it for you.

So, take that content and reuse it, turn it into a funnel, turn it into a Facebook Live, turn it into a blog post, send it out to Pinterest, break it up into 10 Instagram posts, it’s like just do one thing and do it really, really freaking good and then send it everywhere.


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