Joining me today is Julie Ciardi who is a former fortune 500 marketing vice president, who made the quantum leap to freedom after two decades in corporate. She is on a mission to help thousands of women BEcome her best self filled with purpose and passion.

Today is all about BEcoming Her!

In this episode…

“Perfectionism is a trait that is highly valued when you work for someone else…”  At 0:50, Julie tells us a little more about herself and her journey to leave corporate after two decades and what her leap to freedom was like!

“It’s not about not having self-doubt or non-belief, it’s about having that much belief in your dream…” At 13:40, we talk about how to create a new identity for yourself while limiting self-doubt and having an unshakeable belief in yourself. Julie also touches on the process of decision making as an entrepreneur.

“When you see someone that has accomplished what you desire, stop asking them what did they do …” At 26:30, Julie shares how our worth is priceless when it comes to determining setting prices in our business. We also discuss the first steps to take when you know you’re meant for something more.

As always, we end the show with Michelle’s Hot Minute where I’m asking Julie a round of rapid fire questions!

To connect more with Julie, you can follow her and send her a DM over on Instagram! I hope you enjoyed the show! Until next time! Let’s grow your business together

Looking to learn more? Feel free to send me a DM over on Instagram or apply to work with me!

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